My personal website build with Gatsby and Kentico Kontent as a data source.
This website was initially built as many dev's websites (Aug 2020) - the POC to test out the technology.
This particular trial was based on Forty Gatsby Starter, but it turned out to be pretty nice and complex. So I have decided to use it production so to speak. With CSS Grid support, all tooling set up including SCSS configuration, prepared icons using Font Awesome, embedded style guide made it the great candidate to connect to Kentico Kontent using the integration with Gatsby.js I have been working on at that time.
During the time I have done some extensions, but mostly content-wise, as you might have noticed from my explicit listing of design predefinitions of the starter. To mention some. I have added a categories filter for the listing pages, then the "Projects" section - the one that this page is in, and a new navigation content structure to follow Kontent Web Spotlight feature needs.